=== Creating a Win7 Boot Drive under Linux === Probably you had this problem at some point. You need a Win7 boot stick, but there's no computer with a inferior OS in sight. So here's how you do it under Linux. == What you'll need == * ~4GB USB Flashdrive * Window 7 iso of your choice * ms-sys (AUR: [[https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ms-sys/|ms-sys]]; Source: [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/ms-sys/|ms-sys on sourceforge]]) First reformat the stick as one big NTFS partition and don't forget to set the boot flag. __ Be aware this following command will delete /dev/sdX without questioning again! Check that sdX is your actual usb stick! __ sudo parted --script /dev/sdX mklabel msdos mkpart primary ntfs 1 100% set 1 boot on then lets create a temporary directory to work in, create a mountpoint for the stick, the ISO and last but not least mount the iso and the Stick. cd $(mktemp -d) mkdir stick mkdir iso sudo mount -o loop ~/Downloads/myWin7Image.iso ./iso sudo mount /dev/sdX1 ./stick Now we can copy all Windows files to the Stick. rsync -vPr iso/ stick/ After this we can simply unmount both paths. sudo umount ./iso sudo umount ./stick Currently nothing would happen so let's use ms-sys from the same named package to write a windows bootloader onto the stick. sudo ms-sys -7 /dev/sdX That should be It! Now go and boot your inferior system and do what you gotta do.